Central Park Horticultural Walk with Regina Alvarez

Join botanist Regina Alvarez for a walk in the North Woods and the Wildflower Meadow for a late summer look at the flowering plants and shrubs of Central Park’s north end. Along with fellow botanist Daniel Atha, Regina has been collecting herbarium specimens of every species growing wild in the Park. Already they have discovered new botanical records and have rediscovered plants not seen since the 1850s. Regina is a former director of horticulture and a woodland manager for the Central Park Conservancy. Currently she is an adjunct professor of botany at the City University of New York. Presented by the Linnaean Society. Meet at 103rd Street & Central Park West at 10am.

2018-08-11 10:00 2018-08-11 12:00 UTC Central Park Horticultural Walk with Regina Alvarez

Join botanist Regina Alvarez for a walk in the North Woods and the Wildflower Meadow for a late summer look at the flowering plants and shrubs of Central Park’s north end. Along with fellow botanist Daniel Atha, Regina has been collecting herbarium specimens of every species growing wild in the Park. Already they have discovered […]

103rd Street & Central Park West, NYC nycsierraclub.digital@gmail.com